Joint Camp
Employee Resource Center on LRMC Campus
Date: April 17, 2024
Time: 12:00 pm
Welcome to our Total Joint Replacement Program. We would like to make your experience as informative as possible. Our Joint Camp Program is every 3rd Wednesday of the month in the Education Building Classroom and offers a truly comprehensive approach to patient care, from diagnosis to rehabilitation. We have an interdisciplinary team of experienced healthcare professionals -- orthopedic surgeons, anesthesiologists, specially-trained nurses, physical and occupational therapists, educators and case managers -- dedicated to delivering high quality patient care and working together to implement treatment plans tailored for each patient's individualized needs.
At our Joint Camp Program, we provide you with the necessary information about your preoperative and post-operative processes. Members of the multi-disciplinary team are present during education classes to provide information and answer your questions regarding your surgery. You will be contacted by a team member to schedule your class prior to surgery.
We appreciate you choosing Logan Regional Medical Center for your joint replacement surgery. Our goal is to always provide our patients with safe, high-quality care.
During the joint camp program, the topics that our team will be going over include:
Preparation: introduction, Surgical Clearance, Care After Surgery, Pre-Admission Testing, Steps for a Safer Surgery, Home Safety Preparation, and Obtaining the Proper Equipment
Before-Surgery Checklist: 6-8 Weeks Before Surgery, 10-14 Days before Surgery, Several Days Before Surgery, One Day Before Surgery, Preparing Your Skin for Surgery, Shower or Bath Instructions, The Day/Night Before Surgery
Surgery: Preoperative Instructions, Morning of Surgery at Home, Checking In/Getting Ready, Anesthesia, During Surgery, What to Expect During Your Hospital Stay
Post-Surgery: Call Don't Fall, Post-Op Day 1, Early Planning for a Seamless Discharge, Post-Op Day 2 (if needed), Leaving the Hospital, Discharge Instructions
Recovery & Rehab: Caring For Yourself at Home, Therapy, The First 48 Hours at Home, Weeks 1-6 at Home, Weeks 7-12 at Home, 3-month Follow Up, 6-Month Follow Up, Sexual Activity
Potential Complications: Blood Clots, Surgical Site Infection, and Preventing Infection
Exercises: Occupational Therapy, Hip Replacement Exercises, Knee Replacement Exercises, Shoulder Replacement
Important Information: Convenient Phone Numbers, Health Care Provider Phone Numbers, Appointment List, Visiting Hours, Visiting Guidelines, and Customer Satisfaction